
Китайский (тайваньский) языковой обмен‎

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Изучаемый язык :  Русский, Английский
Hello, My name is Tony and I live in in Taiwan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Russian and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Mandarin) and Chinese (Taiwanese) in exchange.
Изучаемый язык :  Английский, Чешский, Русский
Hello, My name is 冠魚. I'm 23 years old and I live in in China. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English, Czech and Russian. I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Mandarin) and Chinese (Taiwanese) in exchange.
こんにちは、梁と申します。 日本の文化が興味がありますので、日本語を勉強しています。 今まで日本語を一年半に勉強しています(大体N3)。 でもコミュニケーションはなかなか上手にならない… 日本語を話す機会は少ないからです。 もし、あなたは中国語を習いたい、コミュニケーションしたい、言語交換しましょう! zoom、ms teams 、line、Google meet、skype どれでも大丈夫です! ありがとうございます😊 Hi I’m Francis. I’m live in Taiwan. I’m study English for a while of time. I really want to improve my English conversation. If you wanna learn Chinese and also find someone to practice Chinese conversation, let's become the language exchange partner! Ciao, mi chiamo Francis. Ho appena iniziato a studiare l'italiano.
Изучаемый язык :  Английский
Hi I’m penny come from Taiwan I’m native Chinese speaker. I want to find an exchange language partner to improve my English speaking , I would like to receive your message If you want to improve your Chinese, texting me anytime! Welcome to send me a message!
Изучаемый язык :  Английский, Французский
hey im current in my last year of high school and im new in the web! really hope to talk with all of you guys!! im into movies and books,recently definitely like Dragon of The House best-- anyway let's chat!!!!!
Изучаемый язык :  Английский
Hi, I’m Win. From Taiwan. I’m native Chinese speaker. I want to find an exchange language partner to improve my English speaking.
Изучаемый язык :  Английский
Hi~ I’m Elosie. I’m native mandarin speaker. I’m college student now.I recently want to find an exchange language partner to improve my English speaking and learn different cultures. In exchange, I can help you learn Chinese. My hobby is watching dramas and movies.I like to makeup and any pretty things. I hope to make good friends on here!
Hello! My name is Jean. I'm from Taiwan. I like making friends from around the world. My hobbies are films, books, music, photography, food, voyage, and nature. I am indifferent and distant to those I'm not familiar with, yet fun and friendly with those I trust. An optimistic pessimist. A walking contradiction. Nice to meet you;) はじめまして。 ジュンです。私は台湾人です。 今日本語の勉強をしています。 日常生活、趣味などについて会話できる人を探しています。 趣味は映画鑑賞、音楽、読書、写真撮影、アニメと旅行です。 よろしくお願いします!
Изучаемый язык :  Японский, Корейский
Hello everyone, I am native speaker of Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese. I can speak fluent English and conversational Taiwanese as well. I studied International Relations in Singapore. I have passed JLPT N1. I would like to practive Japanese and Korean.
Изучаемый язык :  Японский
初めまして、タカと申します、よろしくお願いします。 私は台湾から留学生です、今留学生として大阪在住です。 良かったら、友達になりませんか? 言語交換でも大丈夫です、よろしくお願いします。
Изучаемый язык :  Японский, Корейский
Hello everyone, I am native speaker of Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese. I can speak fluent English and conversational Taiwanese as well. I studied International Relations in Singapore. I have passed JLPT N1. I would like to practive Japanese and Korean.
Изучаемый язык :  Японский
初めまして、タカと申します、よろしくお願いします。 私は台湾から留学生です、今留学生として大阪在住です。 良かったら、友達になりませんか? 言語交換でも大丈夫です、よろしくお願いします。
Изучаемый язык :  Английский
Hello! I’m Sophia come from Taiwan~ I’m native Chinese speaker I’m international business student ,so I want to find an exchange language partner to improve my English speaking ! My hobby is listening music,watching Netflix and chatting with my friends If you want to improve your Chinese,texting me anytime:)
Изучаемый язык :  Английский
I'm an English teacher here in Taiwan. I'm also a mother of 2 daughters. I've been trying to better my English ability ,so that I'm here hoping to find a partner to practice English with. I do calligraphy in my free time and I attend calligraphy class twice a month. I'm interested in anything about Chinese culture, and I think I'm very lucky to be a Chinese. I'm a little introverted. However, I'm nice and friendly. Hope to find someone who is also nice and patient.
Изучаемый язык :  Немецкий
Hello, My name is 一帆. I'm 24 years old and I live in in Australia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study German. I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Mandarin) and Chinese (Taiwanese) in exchange.
My name is Terry. I am looking for a language exchange partner to improve my English speaking to become more fluency and learn some back German and Spanish. I love outdoor activities- hiking, running, swimming, etc. I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Mandarin) and Chinese (Taiwanese) in exchange. We should have some fun in this learning journey. Drop me a message if sounds like a plan.
Изучаемый язык :  Английский, Французский
Hi, I am Mika, Taiwanese, Chinese native speaker 🦥 I am improving my English and learning French now, if you are willing to do the language exchange, don’t hesitate to give me a message!
Изучаемый язык :  Английский
Hey there! If you're not up for some real language exchange, feel free to skip the message. I'm Chia-Hsin Liao. My English name is Cindy. I’m a native Chinese speaker from Taiwan. My major is teaching Chinese as a second language. I would like to improve my English. I’m looking for someone to have the language exchange and willing to evenly split the time between the languages. hobbies: cycling, hiking, yoga, reading, movies, music, pets, traveling, cooking, painting etc.
Hello, My name is merlin and I live in in Taiwan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese and Chinese (Cantonese). I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Mandarin) and Chinese (Taiwanese) in exchange. I can also speak English fluently.
Изучаемый язык :  Английский
Hello, My name is Alexis and I live in in Taiwan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Mandarin) and Chinese (Taiwanese) in exchange.